Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am tentatively hopeful,
even though the prospect
of blinking nervously
in the unavoidable attention
scares me.
Again, I will have to tell my story,
except this time there is
so much more to tell.
How will that feel?
Will I again say too much
only to retreat from the shame.
Yes, "There is no judgement here"
but that will require
a heart load of trust,
and courage.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

how shallow the darkness appears
when emerging into the light

I have rediscovered colour,

and melody,

my soul skips along

and life reappears.

The terror has passed

and again I rise
to the
top of the curve.
the view from here

is of family and friends
and loved ones

and I can again greet them all

with a smile.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

again there is no reason,
no trigger,
no sense.
I am sinking like a stone,
plummeting to the dark depths
until the light recedes from
I am exhausted by this roller coaster ride,
from the highs that barely reach normality
to the bottom,
this heart breaking, soulless, stricken blackness.

if I had tears,
if only I had tears.
I would pour out a bitter torrent,
suppressed fears that lie locked,
forever hidden inside,
beyond touching,
beyond contact,
beyond reach.

and I would howl,
I would howl a wretched beast's cry,
echoing from hopelessness to isolation,
a failing, falling cry
to hit rock bottom

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm stuck
and I feel like I am going nowhere.
I'm listless,
immobile, stationary.
I am making a habit
of doing nothing
and nothing leaves me drained.
I am anxious about all that
I cannot control,
trying to read a future
that is far beyond sight.
surely there are answers
but first I need to find the questions.
I'm stuck.
and my mind is still a mutinous beast.

Friday, September 07, 2007

I am dark and brooding.
there is an anger
that simmers,
sizzling like
a red hot pan.
where are the songs now,
I ask no one in particular?
where are those tunes
that have haunted me
for long decades past.
what comfort do your melodies bring.
your words that have so moved others
are falling on my deafened ears.
I am now empty of them
and they are empty of me.
How I long for that sweetness again,
when the notes dance with the letters
and my heart marvels at the miracle.

the knife edge
between darkness and light,
death and life.
I am caught in a whirlpool,
a roller coaster ride
hurtling between
the ups and the downs.
I was enjoying my soul's sunshine,
now the storm clouds gather again.
this relentless see saw
an infernal rocking horse.
I am running with the bulls
shooting the rapids
without life jacket or raft.
So I find myself in
silent solitude,
sitting out the darkness
waiting for the sun.