Monday, July 25, 2011

why is their a trapdoor,
that lurks beneath my thoughts.
is there a turmoil
that taunts my desperate hurts
and the exagerrations
in all I think and hide
the petty insinuations
of my troubled mind.
I am twisting,
I am turning,
I am running
and returning
confused and yet certain,
certain and then blind.
this day had so much sunshine
and I skipped through daylight hours,
yet now in the evening
I'm swapping smiles for frowns.
why is there no answer,
just a drawer filled full of pills
that medicate my madness
and quieten my ills.

Thursday, July 07, 2011


the storm has abated
the chaos subdued.
peace returns
to this place
that was so barren and cold.
I will unpack my angry words
neatly folding my struggles
and fears,
and with a bag full of fraility
I will slide this reborn hope into
a pocket full of dreams
and start the journey again

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Please excuse the angst,
the grief and the drama.
please excuse my ragings
my poutings, my rage.
for there have been struggles
but within or without
I know not now
or not yet
so please excuse my wrestlings
and my petulant prose.

Monday, July 04, 2011


In my little drawer,
With all my soft precious things
Was once a sweet, sweet gentleness.
In my little empty drawer
Filled with dry tears
Are memories
And promises that escaped into the night.
Am I mad?
Has insanity overtaken me?
Is my heart a deceptive selfishness
And my will a calculating craziness?

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