Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I am lost.
The pathway has disappeared in the growing gloom.
The dark is so deep
It strikes my teeth like iced water.
I am on edge,
Like a swimmer,
Startled by the chill,
Flailing madly to fight off the cold.
My mind churns,
Running in circles,
Chasing it’s tail
And the answers are simply beyond reach.
I am sinking
Into the void
And the stillness
Scares me to the bone
Surely I have found the rocks
That lie at the bottom of this abyss
But this rollercoaster continues
To hurtle headlong down, down, down
And all I can do is hang on for dear life.

I feel like winter.
my branches are bare.
the previous month's
sudden flush of colour
has fallen away
and I am naked to the cold winds
I am whipped by the rains
buffeted by the elements
my beauty faded
lying dying around my feet.
I am alone in a forest
my neighbours are tall
I am shrinking before them
the promise of spring has died
the sun is absent
the clouds hang low and grey
and my heart sinks
deeper into the
darkest\ of depressions.
there is only
one tiny seed
for tomorrows harvest,
one seed to carry me through.
I feel like deep winter
and I am cold and alone.

The picture is of me before the recent storms

Thursday, June 14, 2007

soft rain
falling gently.
little rivulets
coursing across
the rocks and leaf litter.
heavier now,
the percussion of a skyfull of drops,
each one exploding onto
the earth below.
winter has finally set in.
today is grey
and the grey is now wet.
the boughs of my garden
are dripping,
the green leaves
shedding silver teardrops.
rain. sweet rain.
the light dims
as heavy laden clouds
fill the sky
and this land,
with it's drought parched past
drinks it's fill.