My God
what have I done?
I have wounded the heart
of an innocent soul
where can I go
with this black burden of grief?
how can I atone
for your weeping wounds?
The clouds have closed in
and the storm stirs a dark brew
the waters are rising
and the thunder calls me to my knees
My God,
what was I thinking?
whose poison chalice
did I drink?
I have sought violence and murder
there is black death within.
I surrendered your promise
to the spin of a shallow man
that danced on your grave
for the applause of his addictions.
I distorted your melodies
I lied with your mouth
I took a life's promise and polluted it
like an emotional prostitute.
Oh, precious soul,
oh little spark
let the flame come again
in the beating of your heart.
Oh innocent soul,
please return,
Oh heart set him free
from the oppression of anger
that I've directed at me.